I just don't see why it would not be working if I have had no problems before a while back, except for it actually running. Before I had it so that it would work, and actually work on port 81. For some reason it doesn't want to work now. I would try to use another port but only standard ports that are not blocked by my school work, like port 81 and 3389. This is why I chose port 81 If I am reading the information right from that command, nothing else is running on port 81. Although it came up with quite a few things and it could also be that they are running on it. As I said above, I just don't see why it wouldn't like the port now... On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 8:20 PM, Adam Carter <Adam.Carter@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > FATAL: Cannot open HTTP Port > > Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE16): Terminated abnormally. > > > > > Supposedly by what this says, the port can't be opened. I made sure > > that the firewall had it opened and that my router was forwarding it. > > Its not a firewall thing, its the operating system not allowing squid to > open that port. Either the port is already in use, or squid doesn't have > the correct privilages to open the port. Typically you need to be root > open a port <1024. > > As root, use 'netstat -anp | grep 81' to check if its in use and what is > using it. I use port 8080 for squid; > rix adam # netstat -anp | grep 8080 > tcp 0 0* > LISTEN 11852/(squid) > rix adam # > > -- -Steve