I'm trying to test squid_ldap_group.
The scenario is:
dn: CN=lbotelho,OU=Funcionarios,OU=Usuarios,DC=FEINET,DC=FEI,DC=EDU,DC=BR
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
cn: lbotelho
memberOf: CN=funcionarios,CN=Users,DC=FEINET,DC=FEI,DC=EDU,DC=BR
memberOf: CN=Rede,OU=Funcionarios,OU=Usuarios,DC=FEINET,DC=FEI,DC=EDU,DC=BR
memberOf: CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users,DC=FEINET,DC=FEI,DC=EDU,DC=BR
name: lbotelho
sAMAccountName: lbotelho
I got these results through ldapsearch command.
But when I try to run squid_ldap_group, I received an ERR.
Here is the syntax:
./squid_ldap_group -d -P -b "dc=feinet,dc=fei,dc=edu,dc=br" -v 3 -D
"cn=proxy_user,ou=funcionarios,ou=usuarios,dc=feinet,dc=fei,dc=edu,dc=br" -w
"123456" -f"(&(uid=%v)(member=%g))" -h
After the command above, I entered with
lbotelho Rede
And the result is
Connected OK
group filter '(&(uid=lbotelho)(member=Rede))', searchbase
I tried a lot of other informations (searching in www.squid-cache.org), but
it didn't work. To sum up, I know that I'm doing something wrong, but I
don't know how to solve this.
If someone have something that can help, it would be very nice.
Thanks a lot!
Luis Claudio Botelho
Chefe de Tecnologia e Redes
Coordenadoria Geral de Informática
Centro Universitário da FEI
São Bernardo do Campo - SP
4353-2900 ramal 2117
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