> Hi, > > Please, I need some help about Digest Authentication. > We made a new server in our enterprise, using "Fedora 7" (64 bits). > We have Squid 3, installed, and we need to authenticate our users in one > of > the DC's (Windows 2003 Server DC). > The problem: > We started configuring Squid with basic authentication; it worked fine, > but > we got the user's password through "Ethereal Software". This is a problem > here, because we have a lot of students and teachers that we need to > guarantee security to them and against them. > So we tried "digest authentication", and our problem started. Our tests > failed, and we didn't find any documentation about how to implement > "digest_ldap_auth" to check the username and password. > We don't know if our idea about digest authentication is right or wrong. > We > imagine that we can simply authenticate in "Windows 2003 Server DC" (as > basic authentication does), without store the user's passord into the > Linux > Server. Is that possible? If yes, where can I find instructions about how > to > use it? > If you can help us about this, and even if our idea about digest > authentication between Squid and Windows 2003 Server is wrong, it would be > very nice. > I would like to thank you for your time, and sorry for any inconvenience. > > Regards, > There is a help how-to in the wiki http://wiki.squid-cache.org/KnowledgeBase/Using_the_digest_LDAP_authetication_helper There are also some other auth mechanisms that may beuseful to you: http://wiki.squid-cache.org/NegotiateAuthentication http://wiki.squid-cache.org/ConfigExamples/WindowsAuthenticationNTLM Amos