Hello friends!!! My squid works fine, but today I have a little problem... When I try access the site http://www.uol.com.br/radio and try listen a music, the squid don't block but don't play music too. If I stop squid and surf without proxy, I can listen music normaly. Here is a line of my access.log: 1202752865.936 339 TCP_MISS/200 8282 GET http://r.mm.uol.com.br/radiouol/00/0098/009889-9/009889-9_07_28.asf? - DIRECT/ application/vnd.ms.wms-hdr.asfv1 1202752866.448 383 TCP_MISS/401 495 GET http://r.mm.uol.com.br/radiouol/00/0098/009889-9/009889-9_07_28.asf? - DIRECT/ - 1202752869.815 3224 TCP_MISS/200 5716 GET http://r.mm.uol.com.br/radiouol/00/0091/009117-0/009117-0_02_28.asf? - DIRECT/ application/vnd.ms.wms-hdr.asfv1 1202752870.098 1 TCP_MISS/000 0 GET http://app.radio.musica.uol.com.br/radiouol/canal.php/TOTAL - DIRECT/ - 1202752870.168 225 TCP_MISS/401 495 GET http://r.mm.uol.com.br/radiouol/00/0091/009117-0/009117-0_02_28.asf? - DIRECT/ - Anybody knows what I can do for squid works? Thanks! PS: Sorry, my english is very bad!!