martin perner wrote:
Chris Woodfield wrote:
I just put a squid system with url_rewriter children into production.
Alongside this we have a script that regularly runs squid -k rotate,
then FTPs the log.1 files to a remote site for backup/processing.
The issue I've noticed is that every time squid -k rotate is run,
squid also stops and restarts all of its url_rewriter children. While
this happens fairly quickly, it's a step I'd rather not have it do if
necessary, particularly under the load these boxes are expected to be
able to handle.
Consider this a feature request (and if 3.0 does this already, please
let me know): do not restart url_rewriter children on a USR1 signal
(or whichever signal squid -k rotate sends in 2.6 STABLE18).
If you use syslog for the logging you don't need squid -k rotate to
rotate the logs.
You will however still need squid -k rotate to clean up the temporary
state objects. Including swap.state journal logs.
Please use Squid 2.6STABLE17+ or 3.0STABLE1+
There are serious security advisories out on all earlier releases.