Hi Adrian,
Adrian Chadd wrote:
I'd first give ZFS a shot - either through opensolaris or FreeBSD.
It has slightly saner memory caching logic (which eats RAM for breakfast
mind you) that may suit this workload a little better.
Since you mentioned ZFS, I have been thinking for some time now about
deploying a Squid box with a ZFS cache either on a single drive or a
separate drive.
Thats probably a smarter move than trying to squeeze a HTTP proxy
inline just yet. :)
Do you think that this ZFS file system scales better than current file
systems if used for caching such as Squid?
Do you have any statistics?
Thanking you...
On Sat, Jan 19, 2008, Michelle Konzack wrote:
I have killed a hardisk (160 GByte) again because to heavy traffic of
"gnump3d". The problem is, that the "natural" caching of linux does
not work, even if I have only arround 700 MByte of songs I hear all the
time and the installed memory is 2 GByte. The access of gnump3d on the
harddisk is very heavy, specialy if more then 4 clients use it the same
time... -- and the Media-Server is working 24/7 and use already a
Hardware Raid-1 with HotFix!
What I like to do is to cache those files in a Ramdisk of 1 GByte and
like to use squid-cache to do the "administration" of it, exactly, I
want to CACHE and HOLD files with following rules:
1. most heared songs with highest priority
(e.g. songs which are heared more then 20 times
a week should never removed from cache)
2. if ram-disk-space is availlable all other songs
and of course, the cached files should never expire...
(the Media-Server is connected to a "bigger" 3000VA APC-Smart-UPS)
Note 1: Since 1 GByte memories (DDR400) are availlable under 40 Euro
I can add a third module...
Can this be done with squid?
Note 2: My Idea was already to put the "always heared" songs on a
Infineon CF-Card of 8 GByte (arround 88 Euro) which is
definitivly cheaper as replacing all 12 month a harddisk.
Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
Michelle Konzack Apt. 917 ICQ #328449886
50, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
0033/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)
With best regards and good wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Tek Bahadur Limbu
System Administrator
(TAG/TDG Group)
Jwl Systems Department
Worldlink Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Jawalakhel, Nepal