I've setup an Outlook Web Access reverse proxy and RPC-over-HTTPs proxy with
Squid by following these 2 wiki documents :
It works ok ... except the acl that is listed in the example, does not work
for me...
Here's the snippet :
# Define the required extension methods for RPC-over-HTTPs
extension_methods RPC_IN_DATA RPC_OUT_DATA
# Define our cache_peer (the MS Exchange Server)
cache_peer parent 443 0 no-query originserver login=PASS ssl
sslflags=DONT_VERIFY_PEER name=sbs.company.local
# ACL to only allow OWA/OMA/ActiveSync/RPC
acl exchange_urlpath_regex urlpath_regex -i ^/exchange($|/.*)
acl exchange_urlpath_regex urlpath_regex -i ^/exchweb($|/.*)
acl exchange_urlpath_regex urlpath_regex -i ^/public($|/.*)
acl exchange_urlpath_regex urlpath_regex -i ^/iisadmpwd($|/.*)
acl exchange_urlpath_regex urlpath_regex -i ^/rpc($|/.*)
acl exchange_urlpath_regex urlpath_regex -i
#acl OWAip dst
acl OWAip dst 213.206.xxx.yyy
acl OWA dstdomain exchange.company.com
cache_peer_access sbs.company.local allow OWA
never_direct allow OWAip
# lock down access
http_access deny !exchange_urlpath_regex
http_access allow OWAip
http_access deny all
miss_access allow OWAip
miss_access deny al
############################################################## is internal IP of Exchange server, this is behind an OpenVPN
213.206.xxx.yyy is the IP of the Squid-server, exchange.company.com points
to this address.
And here's my 'problem' :
Whenever I use (the IP of the cache_peer/the
Exchange-server) for acl 'OWAip', I get a Forwarding Denied.
However, if I use '213.206.xxx.yyy' as OWAip, it works....
ACL debug logging reveals that the 213.206.xxx.yyy is being matched at the
dst, and NOT
Am I reading the example wrong, or ..... is this a known issue ?
I'm using squid/2.6.STABLE18 from FreeBSD 6.3 Ports.
Hopefully someone can explain if I misinterpret the example (eg. I fucked
up), the example is wrong, or squid is not behaving as it should.
Many thanks in advance !
Wouter de Jong
The Netherlands