Mr Wells wrote:
Hi All,
I'm unable to access a proxy server ("proxyEXT"). Can anyone please spot what I'm doing wrong?
Note: ISP will only allow 1 connection from us to its service. (unless we pay for second account!) ;-)
I have a Squid box ("proxy") serving the whole school. Upstream proxy with main filtering is provided by ISP. Running faultlessly for many years despite 3 hardware upragades & versions of squid. THANK YOU SQUID!
This box feeds two others. "proxyINT" & "proxyEXT".
proxyINT provides controlled internet access to boarding pupils, but seperate from main school system via wireless & CAT5.
proxyEXT it to provide access for remote parts of the school via ADSL.
Each remote house will have it's own proxy providing individual pupil access control via wireless & CAT5, with proxyEXT as it's upstream parent.
public x.x.x.97 (range from .96 to .111 ?)
private main 10.x.x.x
private boarding 192.168.1.x
ISP ->ADSL -> CISCO router (x.x.x.97)
router has 3 Boxes connected to it's Cat5 ports
x.x.x.98 Mail server (internal address
x.x.x.100 proxy (internal address
x.x.x.103 proxyEXT (internal address
10.1.1.x is reserved from DHCP for server addresses.
for info:
proxyINT (working fine) has an external address, internal address
A) set a PC to x.x.x.104 using X-cable connect directly to proxyEXT external NIC - configure Firefox to x.x.x.103:3128 - Works
B) from home - ping x.x.x.103 - Works
C) from home - VNC into proxyEXT - Works
D) tracert to x.x.x.103 - Works 17 hops
E) from home - configure web browser to x.x.x.103:3128 - not working
Test E) above. In Firefox I get a general error telling me the server took too long to respond. IE gives the DNS error page.
These errors in E)above can be reproduced by configuring the web browser to a non-existent proxy. e.g. x.x.x.104:3128
step 1) is port 3128 open on the router? ie telnet x.x.x.103 3128
step 2) is the router actually forwarding traffic from that port to
proxtEXT? wireshark/tcpdump will show this.
step 3) is squid proxy listening on pubic-facing IP ( or
wildcard IP ( at that port? netstat -antp
Previously was unable to get test B, C of D to work either. Our ISP decided that the router (ISP maintained) may be at fault and have sent a replacement part.
Kind regards
Please use Squid 2.6STABLE17+ or 3.0STABLE1+
There are serious security advisories out on all earlier releases.