On Fri, Jan 18, 2008, Tory M Blue wrote: > version to your origin servers, they are going to respond in kind and > thus the origin is not going to gzip the content (if squid preserved > the 1.0 vs 1.1 version, the origin server could do what it wanted. > But believe that is the RFC compliance that squid seems to be hard > pressed to conform with. > > How much would it cost to get Squid to preserve the http version so > that our servers could provide gzip functionality? The real question is "how to make Squid support HTTP/1.1 ?" Preserving the version isn't the actual solution; Squid needs to support HTTP/1.1 . I'm putting forward a more formal Squid-2 roadmap for the next twelve months for anyone who is interested. HTTP/1.1 support is high up there to happen inside that twelve month timeframe. Email me if you're interested. Adrian