______________________ R.Scholten -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: J Beris [mailto:J.Beris@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] Verzonden: woensdag 9 januari 2008 15:59 Aan: Scholten R.; squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Onderwerp: RE: tcp_miss/502 > The site recently changed provider and got a new IP range > (around end december). > Might be that your DNS servers havent been updated yet. Doubtful...DNS servers usually don't take that long to update. What is the updated IP range? Then I'll see if I can connect using the IP address. > Anyway, here it should work. > Without proxy its no problem, but with proxy I CAN get on > http://rijksweb.nl but not to their search page > http://adresgids.rijksweb.nl/servlet/DirXweb/Main.htm > > When I go to this, to this search page, I get the > TCP_MISS/502 in Squid. > But I cant really find out what 502 is and where I should look next. Can't think of the exact reason for a 502 at the moment, but if memory serves, it is usually indicative of issues on the other end. Can you crank out tcpdump/wireshark and see what it tells you? I can try the same here. Regards, Joop ------------------------------------------------------------ Dit bericht is gescand op virussen en andere gevaarlijke inhoud door MailScanner en lijkt schoon te zijn. Mailscanner door http://www.prosolit.nl Professional Solutions fot IT
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