> While i am on a specific site ( http://rijksweb.nl ) and > browse to their "search" link > (http://adresgids.rijksweb.nl/servlet/DirXweb/Main.htm ) i > get a TCP_MISS/502 after awhile. > The rest of the site works fine and when I turn squid/proxy > off in my browser and use direct connection, it works fine. > So some setting in the proxy is causing the page not to load. > > I use Red Hat Enterprise 5 with squid-2.6.STABLE6-5.el5_1.2:7.i386 I tested this site but can't get it to open at all. However, my connection simply times out. Squid logs TCP_MISS/504. Tested with Firefox 2 and IE 7, with Squid (squid-2.6.STABLE6-0.6) and without Squid, from two different networks. Are you sure this site isn't simply down? Regards, Joop ------------------------------------------------------------ Dit bericht is gescand op virussen en andere gevaarlijke inhoud door MailScanner en lijkt schoon te zijn. Mailscanner door http://www.prosolit.nl Professional Solutions fot IT