hi there, I am trying to set up a squid accelerator that shoul redirect using cache peers. my problem is, that what ever I do all request are grabbed by the first peer. I am using 2.6 stable 17 on a suse 10.3 box these are the two different setups I was trying: first attempt with cache_peer_domain ------------------------------------ cache_peer parent 8480 0 no-query originserver name=server_11 cache_peer_domain server_11 www.hausbaumesse.ch cache_peer parent 9180 0 no-query originserver name=server_12 cache_peer_domain server_12 www.thoenssen.ch this does not work at all, neither of the two peers can be reached second attempt using urlpath_regex ---------------------------------- the VirtualHostBase in the regex is used since the urls are using an apache rewrite rule of the form (all on one line): RewriteRule /(.*)/$$1 [L,P] the first peer catches them all even tough I use a "inpossible" pattern with some XXX in it cache_peer parent 8480 0 no-query originserver name=server_11 acl path_server_11 urlpath_regex [-i] ^VirtualHostBase/http/XXXwww.hausbaumesse.ch cache_peer_access server_11 allow path_server_11 cache_peer_access server_11 deny all cache_peer parent 9180 0 no-query originserver name=server_12 acl path_server_12 urlpath_regex [-i] ^VirtualHostBase/http/www.thoenssen.ch cache_peer_access server_12 allow path_server_12 cache_peer_access server_12 deny all I would be extremely gratefull for any pointers how to solve that. thanks for your time robert
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