Hello list. I have a problem with squid and need some help with it. My proxy is running in transparent mode and is working fine, but i found out some user can't access a page. If i remove the proxy from our topology the page can be accesed normally. I'm running squid squid/2.6.STABLE5 on a debian 4. You would probably tell me to upgrade to STABLE17, but can't find the package with apt-get, should i download the sourcecode and compile it ? IE browser give this message: ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While trying to retrieve the URL: http://mapa.buenosaires.gov.ar/sig The following error was encountered: Read Error The system returned: (104) Connection reset by peerAn error condition occurred while reading data from the network. Please retry your request. Your cache administrator is federico.sarmiento@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx While firefox keeps trying to open the page. Thanks. -- Federico Raúl López Sarmiento.