.. you need to provide more debugging than that. Try running wireshark/ethereal/tcpdump on the squid server and see what its trying to do.. Adrian On Thu, Jan 03, 2008, Felipe Garc?a wrote: > > > Hallo: > > I?m trying to configure squid behind a Microsoft ISA proxy. And it requires authentication (domain\user:password). So, what I?ve done is: > > http_port 3218 > > acl aclPuertoDirecto port 3218 > acl aclPermitidos src > http_access allow aclPermitidos aclPuertoDirecto > > cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query login=dom1\myusername:mypassword > cache_peer_access allow aclPuertoDirecto aclPermitidos > > where dom1\myusername is the domain and username i?ve in Active Directory (required for the ISA proxy). > > But the problem is that it returns a "Connection timed out". > > Can anyone tell me how can I configure squid to have a cache_peer ISA proxy which requieres dom\username:password? > > Thanks. > > _________________________________________________________________ > MSN Noticias > http://noticias.msn.es/comunidad.aspx -- - Xenion - http://www.xenion.com.au/ - VPS Hosting - Commercial Squid Support - - $25/pm entry-level VPSes w/ capped bandwidth charges available in WA -