Hi Gordon, > I have client who wishes to point all browsers to a certain > page with an company policy discalmer on it and the have to > click on an aggree or disagree button to be granted accesss > to the internet. Does anyone know of a way to do this, I > know it is not exactly a squid issue? I don't know your client's setup of course, but if they have a Windows domain with ADS, they could accomplish this with a domain policy that forces the start page for users to be this company policy disclaimer. Obviously you'd also need a web server somewhere on their network where you host the disclaimer. As you said, not a squid issue and not a squid solution, but it does work. HTH, Joop ------------------------------------------------------------ Dit bericht is gescand op virussen en andere gevaarlijke inhoud door MailScanner en lijkt schoon te zijn. Mailscanner door http://www.prosolit.nl Professional Solutions fot IT