I was looking on the net to get squid to grant access to the internet if a
user in active directory was in a certain group. I found out how to do this
but I get the following error. Does someone have a better way around this?
Also, if possble, I don't want to ask for a username and password.
1194696868.005 93 TCP_DENIED/407 1921 GET
gdm NONE/- text/html
squid_ldap_auth: WARNING, could not bind to binddn 'Strong(er)
authentication required'
squid.conf lines
auth_param basic program /usr/local/libexec/squid/squid_ldap_auth -R -b
"dc=g***e,dc=home" -D cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=gd***e,dc=home" -w
"*****" -f sAMAccountName=%s -h nt-***-h3
external_acl_type InetGroup %LOGIN
/usr/local/libexec/squid/squid_ldap_group -R -b "dc=g***e,dc=home" -D
"cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=g***e,dc=home" -w "**" -f
-h nt-***-h3
acl our_networks proxy_auth REQUIRED src
acl InetAccess external InetGroup InternetAccessGroup
http_access allow our_networks
Many thanks