Forwarding my earlier post. Any idea? ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Srinivas B <b.srinivas231@xxxxxxxxx> Date: Nov 6, 2007 10:28 AM Subject: Differentiating http and ssl requests. To: squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hi All, I am using Squid 2.6 Stable 12. I have my configuration like below. http_port 8080 accel https_port 8081 accel cert=<path_to_cert> key=<path_to_key> protocol=http By looking above, you might understand the setup. Its Client <---http & ssl--->Squid<---http--->HTTP Server My question is that HTTP Server sees no difference between actual requests, i.e., whether client request is http or https. Is there anyway to find out this at backend(Http web server) through HTTP Headers or any other configuration? Thank you All. Srini