We are pleased to announce the availability of the release 1.3.0 of squidGuard. squidGuard-1.3.0 is based on the original squidguard-1.2.0 codebase, but has many new publicly available enhancements and features which have been developed over the last six years after squidGuard-1.2.0 was released, and these have now been rolled into this formal squidguard-1.3.0 release. This version also adds native Windows support using the MSYS+MinGW build environment. This new release can be downloaded from the squidGuard Sourceforge project: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=184120 The most important new additions in this squidGuard-1.3.0 release are: * Imported squidguard-sed.patch from K12LTSP project. This allow squidGuard to rewrite the Google URL with the "safe=active" tag * Updated the redirector protocol to Squid 2.6 version * Imported netdirect-squidGuard-full.patch based on work of Chris Frey and Adam Gorski * Native Windows port using MSYS+MinGW environment We openly welcome and encourage bug reports should you run into any issues with the new release. Bug reports can be entered into the squidGuard Bug Tracker at: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=184120&atid=907981> This squidGuard-1.3.0 software was brought to you by Guido Serassio and Norbert Szasz, and is mainly based on many third-party contributions made available over the years. Many thanks to all contributors who have submitted new features. This works is not related in any way with the so called "official" squidGuard project at the new www.squidguard.org. Note: If there is interest in becoming an official sponsor for the ongoing squidGuard maintenance or development efforts please contact using the project forum at http://sourceforge.net/forum/?group_id=184120 Best regards Guido Serassio & Norbert Szasz