~ Hi, ~ I inherited two computer labs in a school (adult ed) with 28 desktops running Windows XP SP2 which are part of the same network ~ All 28 computers use the same group account to login and authenticate via NTLM to a proxy server ~ Now, company offering us Internet access is relatively large corporation trying to venture in the grant-based business and doesn't have experience running schools ~ My network is fenced by pretty nasty firewall rules which appear to apply to the actual workers of the company (not only youtube and myspace are obviously blocked for employees, but also sites such as web-based email ones and craigslist.org) ~ My supervisor told me to do whatever I could "without messing with things" (which we don't own) so that students/teachers could use the lab ~ I was basically thinking of: ~ 1) making all computers use one of the computers as a proxy ~ 2) this computer (1) would have installed squid and would carry of its ntlm proxy negotiation with the proxy facing the Internet ~ Should I use squid for win32 or Linux? I think squid for win32 should be better because it could be using win32 NTLM from the OS itself, but I don't really know ~ What other issues should I consider? ~ FW rules I am dealing with don't even the kind of syndicated content driven by AJAX requests (apparently because they don't send much of the Headers?) , so if teachers took the time to put their lessons of the web, say at yahoo's geocities, then students can not access it (?!) ~ Can I play with squid caching rules so that I make sure that content is local before teachers get to the lab? ~ Any tips, links or white papers with insights into these kinds of setups? ~ The kind of info I have found online seems a bit spotty to me and I don't have much time to mess around with this network. I need step-by-step types of instructions ~ Thanks lbrtchx