hello I have problem that sometimes Squid download more than it give , which choke the bandwidth !! while it should save it . I read everything relating to that, and did all the recommendation. Well the problem comes and goes , sometime it last for half hour, sometime an hour and maybe more . After using network sniffering and tcpdump I kinda know whats happen but I didn't know why. I found there are few IPs that Squid download from them in crazy way, without giving anything to the users (user request the funny ip --> squid download from that ip --> squid keep downloading like crazy --> squid download more and choke my BW) . To solve this I block the ip in iptables and squid works normally. I used squid 2.5 in with Linux in bridge mode for more than three years and never had such a problem , but now I am using squid 2.6 (Centos5 ) with wccp2 and I have this problem with more than one server in different sites. any suggestion ?? Thanks in advance Be pink or not to be __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com