I've a squid Version 2.6.STABLE16
with the following config accel mode
proxy ----> php-01..php-08
php are apache server no slibing proxy.
cache_peer php-01 parent 80 0 no-query originserver round-robin weight=1
login=PASS max-conn=100
#cache_peer php-02 parent 80 0 no-query originserver round-robin
weight=0 login=PASS
cache_peer php-03 parent 80 0 no-query originserver round-robin weight=1
cache_peer php-04 parent 80 0 no-query originserver round-robin weight=1
cache_peer php-05 parent 80 0 no-query originserver round-robin weight=1
cache_peer php-06 parent 80 0 no-query originserver round-robin weight=1
cache_peer php-07 parent 80 0 no-query originserver round-robin weight=3
login=PASS max-conn=100
cache_peer php-08 parent 80 0 no-query originserver round-robin weight=1
login=PASS max-conn=100
Strangely the weight seems not impact the load balancing as I might expect.
If increase weight on a the peer php-03 result
* less load on peer 01
* more load on peer 03
* less load on peer 04
* more load on peer 05
* same load on peer 06
* same load on peer 07
* more load on peer 08
All my test seem to show always very more load on the last peer in the
list. That why I protect with max-conn=100.
is the orginiserver loadbalancing, a well tested and official squid
It seems in squid 2.6 a new feature arround the cache_peer directive,
which was about proxy slibing sharing...
The doc said:
# icp_port: Used for querying neighbor caches about
# objects. To have a non-ICP neighbor
# specify '7' for the ICP port and make sure the
# neighbor machine has the UDP echo port
# enabled in its /etc/inetd.conf file.
Here I've copied form the wiki I use 0, is it the same?
I've no ICP parent, just origin server.
Any hint?