Hi All, the long skelatel howto: THE ENVIROMENT. Ubuntu, Squid 2.6, Apache 2.2, a small ISP with about 11% www.youtube.com traffic, 2Mbps on submarine fibre to the US cost about US$5,000 - US$7,000 over here - Accra, Ghana. THE PROBLEM Some Youtube clips are not cacheable, even with the overides provided for in squid2.6. The objects too are already expired so if you are able to cache them (such as using Squid3), you are still unable to get HITs. Moreover, youtube serves the same video from several servers with different urls, so when it is cached and not expired, you still may not get a HIT. PROPOSED SOLUTION, BRIEF: I use a non-cacheable Apache proxy on the same machine as the squid, as a parent to the squid for youtube videos. The apache proxy then sanitises the youtube clips so that squid can cache them. Using the video ID as a key, I then use jesred to rewrite the urls for youtube video objects that are already in my squid cache so that I will have a HIT. 1 SQUID i. Modify squid.conf to Cache Youtube Clips. acl utubevids urlpath_regex get_video\?video cache allow utubevids acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \? cache deny QUERY ii. Modify squid.conf to handle the size of video clips. maximum_object_size 128 MB cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 70000 16 256 iii. Modify squid.conf to redirect youtube videos for url_rewriting. url_rewrite_program /usr/lib/squid/jesred acl utuberedir urlpath_regex get\_video\?video\_id\=.* url_rewrite_access allow utuberedir iv. Modify squid.conf to use a parent proxy for youtube videos. cache_peer parent 8000 3130 no-query default no-netdb-exchange no-digest acl utubevidsdirect urlpath_regex get\_video\?video\_id\=.* always_direct allow !utubevidsdirect v. Modify refresh_pattern in squid.conf for youtube video clips. refresh_pattern -i get\_video\?video\_id\=.*youtube\.com 10080 990% 999999 reload-into-ims ignore-no-cache override-expire ignore-private refresh_pattern -i youtube\.com\/get\_video\?video\_id\=.* 10080 990% 999999 reload-into-ims ignore-no-cache override-expire ignore-private You could merge the two into one by ignoring the youtube.com. I am not sure if other sites don't use the same syntax so I kept it there. 2 APACHE i. Activate the following modules: cd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled ln -s ../mods-available/expires.load ln -s ../mods-available/headers.load ln -s ../mods-available/proxy.conf ln -s ../mods-available/proxy_http.load ln -s ../mods-available/proxy.load ii. Configure Apache proxy (/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/proxy.conf) <IfModule mod_proxy.c> ProxyRequests On <Proxy *> AddDefaultCharset off Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from 192.168.0 Allow from 127.0.0 Allow from 127.0.1 </Proxy> ProxyVia On Header unset Cache-Control Header unset Expires Header unset Pragma </IfModule> iii Configure Apache Proxy Port in /etc/apache2/ports.conf Listen 8000 3 CONFIGURE THE JESRED REDIRECTOR (url_rewriter). i. Configure /etc/jesred.conf allow = /etc/jesred.acl rules = /etc/jesred.youtube.rules ii. Configure /etc/jesred.acl iii. Configure /etc/jesred.youtube.rules touch /etc/jesred.youtube.rules A typical line in your /etc/jesred.youtube.rules produced by the script below will look like: regex get\_video\?video\_id\=yDC9iJyTUmc.* 4 SCRIPT TO UPDATE /etc/jesred.youtube.rules kept in /usr/local/bin/buildrules #!/bin/bash cat /etc/jesred.youtube.rules |grep -v ^# |grep -v ^$ |grep 'regex get\\_video\\?video\\_id\\=' > /tmp/jesred/jesred.rules.2.tmp cat /etc/jesred.youtube.rules |grep -v 'regex get\\_video\\?video\\_id\\=' > /tmp/jesred/jesred.rules.1.tmp cat /var/log/squid/store.log |grep youtube.com |grep flv |grep SWAPOUT |awk '{split($13,idarray,"="); split(idarray[2],idarr,"&"); print ("regex get\_video\?video\_id\="idarr[1]".*", $13);}' >> /tmp/jesred/jesred.rules.2.tmp cat /tmp/jesred/jesred.rules.2.tmp |sort -u > /tmp/jesred/jesred.rules cp /etc/jesred.youtube.rules /tmp/jesred/jesred.youtube.rules.old mv /tmp/jesred/jesred.rules.1.tmp /etc/jesred.youtube.rules cat /tmp/jesred/jesred.rules >> /etc/jesred.youtube.rules rm /tmp/jesred/jesred.rules rm /tmp/jesred/jesred.rules.2.tmp squid -k rotate 5. ENTRY IN CRONTAB with crontab -e to update my redirector rules on the 13th minute of every hour. 13 * * * * /usr/local/bin/buildrules 6. RESULTS My Byte Hitrate for *.youtube.com has climbed from about 3% to 30% over 8 days. I expect it to rise as the number of youtube video objects in the cache increases from a few hundreds to several thousands over the next several months. 7.TODO i. Update the script to expunge regexp rules for expired objects. ii. House Cleaning (which may never get done). iii. A howto to share. iv. Should the script be real time using tail -F? I like watching videos a few more times after the first view, except that most of the time I watch them from the browser's cache. 8. COMMENTS This is only one of many ways that this goal can be achieved and certailnly not the best being a non-guru, although a determined linux user. I guess the features I couldn't find in squid2.6-stable that made me add apache may be included in later stable releases to make this irrelevant. Unfortunately, I did not keep any logs whilst doing this so I amy have skipped a few steps. If I have, it will show sooner or later. I have tried to put together as much of the info that I think someone might need. The squid mailing list proved very helpful, and I am very grateful. There are many on the list prepared to help, although you may come accross a few who will repeatedly tell you how easy it is to do what you want to do without sharing how. Don't dispare if you bump into them. Regards, solomon.