Hi All, We are planning to install a farm of -nsquids to provide our company enhanced web suffering experience and to control security on who is where. However, we have some requirements I'm not really sure that squid is captable of them, here they are: - Squids need to be auth, however, auth must be agains an openldap (I know this is possible). The fact is that auth MUST be crypted. I was thinking about Cipher auth that is done with MD5 but we really dont know what is the crypt hash of ldap. - Authentication must be share, in the way that if I've already authed in squid1, then squid2 shouldnt ask me authentication. I'm not really shure if ICP or HTCP cand do this. Squis farm is balanced by an external apliance so we dont know what squidN is responding to replay. I home someone could give me any clue. Regards, LD