Hello all, I searched and couldn't find a way to do this. We are trying to block IE 7. We have citrix farms set up with IE 6, Squid and Dansguardian. There are a few rogue people (think political here.. we can just lock down anything not coming from the Squid box) that believe they are fairly technical. They hold positions which allow them to demand 'software installability'. So they decide from time to time to upgrade to IE 7 and it is just a disaster. But we would find out a lot sooner if they lost internet when they did it. I have just started to use req_mime_type for applications.. so I thought there might be some specific way of getting this to recognize IE 7. thanks, ipguru99 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Luggage? GPS? Comic books? Check out fitting gifts for grads at Yahoo! Search http://search.yahoo.com/search?fr=oni_on_mail&p=graduation+gifts&cs=bz