I am having following problem with squid acting as reverse proxy for my OWA and RPC server . Both OWA and RPC is having the same hostname as of now . I am able to get it worked with OWA however as shown on wiki for RPC i tried with option RPC-DATA-IN and OUT , but that din't worked , every time i change my outlook to new reverse proxy address it will show exchange as offline . OWA and RPC hostname : owa-rpc.mydomain.com Squid is compiled with dns disabled option , all hosts are defind in hosts.conf. https_port 443 cert=/usr/rprgate/servercrt.pem key=/usr/rprgate/serverkey.pem defaultsite=owa-rpc.mydomain.com vhost cache_peer parent 443 0 no-query originserver login=PASS ssl sslflags=DONT_VERIFY_PEER name=owa-rpc.mydomain.com extension_methods RPC_IN_DATA RPC_OUT_DATA acl owaserver dstdomain owa-rpc.mydomain.com cache_peer_access owa-rpc.mydomain.com allow owaserver acl OWAip dst http_access allow OWAip http_access allow all miss_access allow OWAip miss_access deny all Please let me know where i am wrong in this , why my RPC is not working where as i am able to open OWA site with https://owa-rpc.mydomain.com. Regards, Shekhar