Javed, on 09/01/2007 05:08 PM [GMT+500], wrote : > Thanx for ur reply. I downloaded squid-2.6.STABLE15 & gcc-3.4.6-8.src.rpm from rpmfind.net (ftp://rpmfind.net/linux/redhat/updates/enterprise/4AS/en/os/SRPMS/gcc-3.4.6-8.src.rpm). when i tried to install it using rpm -ivh gcc-3.4.6-8.src.rpm; i get a bunch of the following error/warning messages: > > warning: group brewbuilder does not exist - using root > warning: user brewbuilder does not exist - using root > warning: group brewbuilder does not exist - using root > warning: user brewbuilder does not exist - using root > > IMO you can ignore these warnings. > now what should i do? plz explain in detail as i am a newbie in RHEL 4.0. By the way echo $PATH gives the As you are using RHEL you can also knock at Redhat support. Regards.