Hi Everybody, > > From your previous email, I suspect your squid CPU usage is that high > due to url_regex acls (perhaps the acl files contain too many regexes > to evaluate). Try commenting them out, or simply making those files > empty. Gr8 ..:D.After doing this the cpu utilization has come down to around 3% to 4%. even my Number of clients accessing cache: reached 1567 in no time and was still incerasing but Like Tek Bahadur said i ran out of file descriptors :(. So i ll now recompile squid the way i just saw on one of the mailing list and let you guys know what happened. But the issue is my bl-porn.conf has only 3214 lines and i really need them. Is there any other way i can do it without stressing the CPU ? >>could you show the output of these commands? >>unset http_proxy >>time wget http://www.us.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-2.6.9.tar.gz >>time wget http://www.in.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-2.6.9.tar.gz Well i do not have wget installed on my proxy so i did a `ssh -D 1080 xxx@xxx -fN` from one of my servers . i had squid shutdown coz it was giving a lot of warnings . This is what i get when i wget a file 48.8 Mb in 7min 46 sec --- from India (.83 Mbps) 48.8 Mb in 18min 47 sec ---- from US (.34 Mbps) So on a 4 When i am using my local DNS server this is the time it takes: {{ time nslookup froogle.google.com Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: froogle.google.com canonical name = froogle.l.google.com. Name: froogle.l.google.com Address: Name: froogle.l.google.com Address: Name: froogle.l.google.com Address: Name: froogle.l.google.com Address: 0m0.22s real 0m0.00s user 0m0.00s system and for indiatimes time nslookup www.indiatimes.com Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: www.indiatimes.com canonical name = www.indiatimes.com.edgesuite.net. www.indiatimes.com.edgesuite.net canonical name = a1934.g.akamai.net. Name: a1934.g.akamai.net Address: Name: a1934.g.akamai.net Address: 0m0.19s real 0m0.00s user 0m0.01s system }} When i am using the DNS of my ISP it give : {{ time nslookup www.fish.com Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: www.fish.com Address: 0m1.31s real 0m0.00s user 0m0.01s system time nslookup www.gmu.edu Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: www.gmu.edu canonical name = jiju.gmu.edu. Name: jiju.gmu.edu Address: 0m0.71s real 0m0.01s user 0m0.00s system }} Well hope this information willbe of some use . I ll recompile squid and let all of you know the stats. Thank all of you :).And please let me know an effective way of using the url_regex. Regards Preetish