Hi, I have setup Squid 3.0 PRE6 working in accelerator mode with SSL and I setup Squirm tested working. When I click a link on the web page, it goes to the original address instead of my rewritten address. This is what I want: I have set up Squid to accelerate a web site, say, yahoo.com with another domain name, https://proxy.mydomain.com. In the web page, there is a link, google.com, when browser click this link, it will go to http://www.google.com. What I want is to go my another proxy site, say, https://proxy.mydomain.com:9999. I have setup Squirm with a pattern regex ^http://www\.google\.com ^https://proxy.mydomain.com:9999 in the squirm.patterns file. When I type squirm as root it works. When I feed http://www.google.com, it feed back with https://proxy.mydomain.com:9999 I thought Squirm is working. I went squid.conf and added: url_rewrite_program /usr/local/squirm/bin/squirm url_rewrite_children 10 Now I type https://proxy.mydomain.com, it will show yahoo.com, but when I click a link which is linked to http://www.google.com, it goes to http://www.google.com instead of https://proxy.mydomain.com:9999 I am thinking, when the browser click the link, it went off to http://www.google.com, and never talk to Squirm, what we have to do is to physically change the web page content, replace each http://www.google.com with https://proxy.mydomain.com:9999. Now, when the browser clicks, it will go to https://proxy.mydomain.com:9999. But how can I do this? Is this squid url_rewrite meant to do? Please help me out? Should I use Apache rewrite engine? Should I use wget and physically replace the web content?