Reid wrote:
Yes, I meant to say "cache.log". If I try to connect via 3128, the browser times out, and no entry
appears in cache.log.
Hi Reid,
Do the timeouts in your web browser give any indication related to your
Squid proxy server?
Here are the entries in squid.conf, where "#.#.#.#" is my ip:
http_port #.#.#.#:8080
http_port #.#.#.#:8000
http_port #.#.#.#:3128
http_port #.#.#.#:3127
Why are you running Squid in 4 different ports? Anyway, try removing all
entries except:
http_port 3128
Are you sure that you have allowed localhost and your network to access
your proxy in your squid.conf?
Please post your squid.conf.
I'm new to squid and don't know what "transparent" stuff is, but as far as I know I haven't
changed anything other than basic settings.
Transparent proxy refers to the term where the client does not have to
manually put a proxy server to use it. Every web requests on port 80
will be redirected to Squid's port.
If you indeed have some firewall running in your proxy server, run:
/sbin/iptables -vnL
Then initialize your cache by: squid -z
After initializing your cache, run: squid -NCd1
Make sure there are no errors!
From another terminal of your proxy server, run: telnet localhost 3128
If that works, telnet from another workstation: telnet IP.Of.Proxy 3128
Hope everything works fine!
Thanking you...
Are you doing transparent stuff anywhere?
What does your squid.conf have for that port? and the others that work?
By 'error log' earlier did you mean to say 'cache.log'?
I have seen this effect when squid encounterd an error it can't recover
from and never sends the browser an error.
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