Hello Resident Experts,
Solaris 10, openldap 2.3.35, postgresql 8.0.1, unixODBC 2.2.12
There are the template test sql files for the Postgresql RDBMS that come
with the openldap source code. I've compiled everything correctly,
evertyhing is working OOTB, I can create new users and search using
ldapmodify and ldapsearch respectively, all of the information in the
'persons' postgresql table is getting updated.
I've added an additional attribute to persons table 'mail' and made the
appropriate ldap_attr_mappings entry, so I can ldapmodify and add mail
values to the users in the database. However, when I attempt to add one
more additional attribute 'username' with the following ldap_attr_mappings
insert into ldap_attr_mappings
n) values (16,1,'username','persons.username','persons','persons.username
IS NOT NULL','UPDATE persons SET username=? WHERE i
d=?','UPDATE persons SET username=NULL WHERE username=? AND id=?',3,0);
and attempt to restart openldap, I get the following error:
bash-3.00# /usr/local/libexec/slapd -f /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.conf
-h ldap://bandaboo1.bandaboo.com:81/ -d 256
@(#) $OpenLDAP: slapd 2.3.35 (May 26 2007 23:48:09) $
WARNING: No dynamic config support for database sql.
backend_startup_one: bi_db_open failed! (1)
slapd stopped.
connections_destroy: nothing to destroy.
Louis Gonzales