The urls are sent via libcurl as
"http://user:pw@xxxxxxxxxx/whatever/cgi?args" I disabled the stop
hierarchy flags in squid to cache cgi requests.
I mainly want http://user1:pw@xxxxxxxxxx/whatever/cgi?arg1 cached.
When user2 comes and request for the same thing, but w/ different
credentials, it should hit the cache instead of going to the originserver.
If that doesn't work, we can put in a http middleware between squid
and clients to handle the http authentication and url normalization.
At 12:49 AM 6/9/2007, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
tor 2007-06-07 klockan 15:19 -0700 skrev leongmzlist:
> Hi
> I'm trying reverse proxy urls w/ basic auth
> (http://user:password@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/path/file ).
From a browser, or by using a redirector?
In nearly all cases the browser will just send the URL-path to the
"originserver" (the reverse proxy).
For the above to work Squid needs to know the full requested URL.
The cache is on the full URL, so http://user:password@xxxxxxxxxxxxx is
different from http://server.domain/