>In my environment, I've solved this by having a single proxy script >and setting all browsers to use the same URL, but the server where the >file is hosted actually generates the contents on the fly. > >This way the script can be customized by the server in ways not >supported in the client, including providing a different default proxy >server/port to different clients. > what about proxy exceptions? a few tests with proxy.pac - the simple form of wpad (wpad only defines how to find the proxy.pac-file, right?) - showed, that settings in the "proxy exceptions" - sites which should fetched direct without proxy - are ignored. you have to provide those sites via proxy.pac file. settings in the browser dialogs are ignored. so you could some users define additional exceptions? i also thought about letting a script generate the proxy.pac based on client ip or location in our subsidiaries. but with this "proxy exceptions" ore ignored and this is - at the moment - a problem. markus