Hi List, I've been battling with this configuration and at this point I don't think I'm seing straight. The idea is to have a few groups with some specific access tables for each of them. But somehow, besides for manager, it either lets them all through or none, rather than following the valid -http access lists. Please help me see the errors of my way! This is running on openbsd where pf is redirecting traffic from 80 to 3128 on the loopback device. -------------------------------------------------- http_port 3128 hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ? acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \? no_cache deny QUERY auth_param basic children 5 auth_param basic realm Squid proxy-caching web server auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours auth_param basic casesensitive off refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080 refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440 refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320 acl all src acl manager proto cache_object acl localhost src acl to_localhost dst acl SSL_ports port 443 563 acl Safe_ports port 5203 acl CONNECT method CONNECT http_access allow manager localhost http_access deny manager http_access deny !Safe_ports http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports http_access deny to_localhost acl our_networks src #http_access allow our_networks http_access allow Safe_ports # Each src file has a list of internal IP's, and each dst file #has a list of domains they can visit. acl operators-src src "/etc/squid/T_operators" acl operators-dst dst "/etc/squid/T_operators-http" acl managers-src src "/etc/squid/T_managers" acl managers-dst dst "/etc/squid/T_managers-http" acl servers-src src "/etc/squid/T_servers" acl servers-dst dst "/etc/squid/T_servers-http" acl finance-src src "/etc/squid/T_finance" acl finance-dst dst "/etc/squid/T_finance-http" acl admins-src src "/etc/squid/T_admins" acl admins-dst dst all acl clients src acl client-http dst http_access allow managers-src managers-dst http_access allow operators-src operators-dst http_access allow admins-src admins-dst http_access allow servers-src servers-dst http_access allow finance-src finance-dst http_access allow clients client-http http_access deny all http_reply_access deny all icp_access allow all visible_hostname gw0.example.com httpd_accel_host virtual httpd_accel_port 80 httpd_accel_with_proxy on httpd_accel_uses_host_header on coredump_dir /var/squid/cache -- Bobby