Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
tis 2007-06-05 klockan 16:09 +1200 skrev D & E Radel:
Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
tis 2007-06-05 klockan 14:48 +1200 skrev D & E Radel:
Hi there,
After upgrading from squid 2.5 to 2.6 (Debian oldstable to Debian stable), everything now seems to
work except SARG. SARG now complains about a missing: /var/log/squid/access.log
Is there a change in the squid.conf that requires me to specify this somewhere?
Yes. You need an access_log line in squid.conf telling Squid where to
log, or it won't log..
Thanks for that. Where can I find info on how to generate the access log? Or where can I download a
generic squid.conf for 2.6? I couldn't see one in the stable tarball that I just downloaded.
The generic squid.conf is installed as squid.conf.default when you
install Squid.
The access_log directive is the new 2.6 name for what was the
cache_access_log directive in 2.5..
You do not need to generate the access log, but you need to tell Squid
that it should make one..
Thanks Henrik. :-)