Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
tis 2007-06-05 klockan 07:40 +0700 skrev Arianto C Nugroho:
Quoting McDouglas <mcdouglas@xxxxxxxxxx>:
Is is possible to to assign delay pools to acls instead of domain
names? I use an external acl to verify if a given user belongs to a
given windows group (using wbinfo_group) and i'd like to limit his
bandwith depending on group membership (teachers can use 1 mbit,
students only 250kbit)
AFAIK, delay pool is assigned to a group of acl ..
It should work, provided the group acl is also evaluated in http_access.
Squid can not wait for lookups to external helpers to complete in
delay_access, so the results of any acls used there must be immediately
available without querying some other process or already known.
It does indeed work. I tried it today. I have an ACL called "slow_group" created using LDAP_GROUP
which is limited to 64kbps out of a 2mbit bucket using:
# Delay pools
delay_pools 1
delay_class 1 3
delay_access 1 allow slow_group
delay_access 1 deny all
delay_parameters 1 250000/250000 -1/-1 8000/250000
Works a treat. I tested using an ADSL speedtest website, using same computer but different usernames
in the browser authentication prompt.