The squid box is openbsd, the web server is windows. When I hit the page directly from my desktop I get through. When I hit the squid page I get the cert then failure. >From the squid box I can ping the web server by name and IP. Nmap to both locations from my desktop shows 443 open and https is set to 443 on the web box. Maybe I need a pass rule? -----Original Message----- From: Henrik Nordstrom [mailto:henrik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 2:37 PM To: Jason Hitt Cc: squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: RE: Cert issue on reserve proxy tor 2007-05-31 klockan 14:14 -0500 skrev Jason Hitt: > http works though.. Thats a different port so firewall rules may well be different.. . ipfw - iptables - selinux - apparmor - etc... Regards Henrik