Hello, I've squid 2.6 config as Transparent reverse-proxy server. For some urls squid is not using the cached object, instead it keep sending request to FIRST_UP_PARENT/200. Infact most of hits on squid are using this status code, very few have status code TCP_MEM_HIT/200. I believe the cached objects are stale. But how to remove this object from cache, Or there is some other problem. Log lines from access.log [30/May/2007:15:50:47] 255ms 16498bytes TCP_REFRESH_HIT/200 GET www.mysite.com/graphics/MarshalCohenPortrait_newsletter.jpg - FIRST_UP_PARENT/ [30/May/2007:16:03:38] 222ms 33051b TCP_REFRESH_HIT/200 GET mysite.com/graphics/MARCJACOBSVictorianStyleBootie_newsletter.jpg - FIRST_UP_PARENT/ Regards, Suhaib.