Henrik Nordstrom wrote, on 13/04/2007 11:08 a.m.:
fre 2007-04-13 klockan 09:25 +1200 skrev Graham Dixon:
The result looks much the same as the several fail tests in the full
log. To this person of little experience it looks as though the
configure tool can't find a c++ compiler. I'm using the gcc that comes
with a standard FC install.
Ah, You probably need to install g++ (the C++ part of GCC).
Hi Henrik,
Thanks for that - just the nudge I needed - problem solved.
I had failed to realise that although gcc "can compile both C and C++
programs" it needs another package (gcc-c++) installed before the latter
actually works.
Even though I feel like a complete plonker I have posted this to the
list so that the solution appears in archives - since I couldn't find an
answer from when this symptom hit the news in 2003.