Hi Everyone. I'm using SQUID 2.6 stable on Debian Etch authenticating users against an Active Directory running on Windows 2003 Server. And I got to say, it works great, I'm using squid_ldap_group directory to only let the users navigate if they are on a group, for example GINTERNET. Again, it work great, the thing is that, for example if the user went on vacations, instead of getting the user out of the GINTERNET group, I disable the account from AD to ensure the user won't log into the domain either. But the squid (I don't know if here take part squid or the squid_ldap_group processes running to auth) take about +10 MINS to see the changes made to AD, I mean, saw the user disabled and wont let him use internet after +10 MINS the change is made in AD. Or, if I don't want to wait that amount of time ( 99% I don't ) I have to run a /etc/init.d/squid restart but it takes some time either and let the entire enterprise without internet for about 3MINS. So, is normal that squid or the squid_ldap_group processes take soooo much time in reflecting the changes made to AD? Or is there any kind of parameter or configuration on squid or AD to make this thing to take changes on real time?? THANKS A LOT !!! Saludos. ---------------------------------------------- Alejandro D. Comisario E-Mail: acomisario@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Depto. Tecnología y Seguridad Informática Sistemas Catastrales S.A. ----------------------------------------------