Quoting Henrik Nordstrom <henrik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
mån 2007-03-26 klockan 06:49 -0400 skrev
First request logged in access.log. I can send you my access.log file
with pertinent info showing apple computer connecting to
swscan.apple.com. I can also send an iptraf from firewall (or tcpdump
if nec.). Glad to see someone is following this. Seems to be quite a
few people having the same problem.
What needs to get done is comparing the traffic of a mac connecting via
the proxy to when going direct.
1. Find a mac having problems.
2. Run the update procedure while collecting full network traces of the
traffic using ethereal/wireshark or tcpdump -s 1600 -w traffic.pcap
3. Reconnect the same mac so it doesn't use the proxy and run the update
procedure again, still while collecting a full traffic trace.
Note: In 3 is is very important you don't run the update service until
you start collecting the traces. If you do you must go back to 2 and
verify that the problem still exists, or the trace will likely be
invalid and not useful.
Collecting the network traces is perhaps most easily done using
wireshark or tcpdump on the MAC while running the updates procedure.
tcpdump -i any -s 1600 -w traffic.pcap
Did anyone get the tcpdump that I sent? It got kicked back from the
list. I included Mr. Nordstrom in the email.
Dwayne Hottinger
Network Administrator
Harrisonburg City Public Schools