Hi, We have a need to force users to re-authenticate to the Web periodically. Squid doesn't support this, because of how the browser caches credentials. So I'm having our external Radius auth helper handle this for us. As this seems to be a FAQ, I'm sharing the script here. http://www.blackhelicopters.org/~mwlucas/mwlradius.pl.gz Warnings: 1) Beware of Perl. This means higher overhead on the Squid server. 2) There are edge cases. There are bugs. 3) I am not a programmer. This code illustrates that nicely. 4) Tested only in my particular environment. 5) No warranty. No guarantee. Use at own risk. Bug reports accepted graciously, but not necessarily resolved. (See #3 above.) ==ml -- Michael W. Lucas mwlucas@xxxxxxxxxxx, mwlucas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.BlackHelicopters.org/~mwlucas/ Latest book: PGP & GPG -- http://www.pgpandgpg.com "The cloak of anonymity protects me from the nuisance of caring." -Non Sequitur