Hi I would like to use Squid servers in my network for a couple of reasons but I am having trouble making it all work together. I have a central site with a webserver that needs acceleration, and I have about 1000 external sites each with 10-50 clients that need a local cache to save bandwidth. The clients on my local sites are not web users, but an automated client that downloads files based on rules. My first goal is to set up the central HTTP Accelerator (reverse proxy) to help out my webserver. The content is protected using Basic Authentication. I have set up the accelerator using the following configuration (Squid 2.6 Stable 10): http_port 80 accel defaultsite=centralsquid.foo.bar cache_peer webserver.foo.bar parent 80 0 no-query originserver login=PASS url_rewrite_host_header off collapsed_forwarding on acl port80 port 80 http_access allow port80 This seems to work just fine. My second goal is to set up the proxy-cache at the local sites. My idea was to configure this as a reverse proxy for the central accelerator. So what I did was to configure this server much the same way as the central accelerator, only I point the local squid at the central squid: http_port 80 accel defaultsite=localsquid001.foo.bar cache_peer centralsquid.foo.bar parent 80 0 no-query originserver login=PASS url_rewrite_host_header off collapsed_forwarding on acl port80 port 80 http_access allow port80 This does not work, and I am stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Is it possible to pull this off? Regards Roland Rabben