On 3/5/07, Chris Robertson <crobertson@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> acl proxy_a_sites dstdom_regex [-i] > "c:/squid/lists/proxy_a_sites.txt" > I'd suggest you start by changing this ACL to one using dstdomain.
I mentioned this in our previous exchange.
The "regular expressions" you are using are far too vague and regular expressions should really be used sparingly. This SHOULDN'T be causing the problem you describe, but it's just good practice.
From http://www.regular-expressions.info/dot.html
"The dot is a very powerful regex metacharacter. It allows you to be lazy. Put in a dot, and everything will match just fine when you test the regex on valid data. The problem is that the regex will also match in cases where it should not match. If you are new to regular expressions, some of these cases may not be so obvious at first."
> http_access allow proxy_a_users proxy_a_sites > http_access allow proxy_b_users proxy_b_sites > http_access deny all > Is this ALL of your http_access lines? What you have shown does not explain the results you are getting.
Agreed. Please post the rest of your http_access lines in the order they appear in your squid.conf. Chris