> Folks, > When I start squid, i get the following errors: > > helperOpenServers: Starting 10 'sqred.plx' processes > 2007/03/01 21:45:50| ipcCreate: CHILD: c:/sqred/sqred.plx: (8) Exec > format error > <snip many duplicates> > > I have noticed that it is due to this command in the .conf file > > url_rewrite_program c:/sqred/sqred.plx > > When this line is commented, the proxy works fine. > > Does anyone have an idea as to what the Exec Format error is? > > Thanks > > Alan > This is squid attempting to start its child processes. As it does so Windows returns the "Exec format error" error and causes squid to abandon the startup procedure. The Windows Server Documentation indicates this error is given out by windows when a binary file cannot be executed. Usually on corrupt binaries. Check that the c:/sqred/sqred.plx file is actually an executable format in win32 acceptable format. The windows command line should be able to execute it or give you a better description of the problem. Amos