Hello! I've studying Delay Pools to limit bandwidth for my users. However, I've had some issues to configure it. My setups seem to work, but when I make two requests (on the same time) that matches the same delay_pool, my connections are closed. Let me explain better. Suppose that I limit the bandwidth for requests from If that computer is downloading one .exe file, the bandwidth limit is applied perfectly. But when that computer starts downloading another file, the connection is closed and the downloads become corrupted. I've tried to create class 1 and 2 delay pools since I started analyzing delay pools. My current testing setup is: acl roberto src delay_pools 1 delay_class 1 1 delay_access 1 allow roberto delay_access 1 deny all delay_parameters 1 4000/64000 Did anyone have that issue???? My version is 2.5stable11 and is configured in Slackware (using a linuxpackages.net tgz pack). My future goal is to limit download from executable files and multimedia (mp3, videos, etc). Regards, ================================== Roberto Ferreira Lauretti | robertofl@xxxxxxxxx