On 2/12/07, Siddhesh PaiRaikar <siddhesh.pairaikar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
hi.. Can someone please tell me .. that when squid passes on the URL to another program such as say squidguard... does it write to stdin or somewhere else... and also wen it gets back a URL from the external program.. does it get it on stdout... as when i studied the code of squidguard i found out that squidguard writes the URLs to and retrieves them from stdout and stdin respectively buti am unable to find that matching code in squid... i tried a lot.. so if someone can please help me in that regard.. i would like to know where in the code of squid i.e. which file does is the URL ritten to any file for any other program to retrieve it. the file name if possible.. i found out that stdout is being used in in debug.c, tools.c, main.c and a few places... am i in the right direction or is it some other approach that squid uses... plz help me i would like to know the file name of sending the URL out and getting it back ... there are other things also i would like help on in this regard.. but they are dependent on this majorly.. thank you -Siddhesh