Henrik Nordstrom schrieb:
quid only shows up a "-" for username.
Maybe the request finishes before the client station identd responded.
Squid does not wait for the ident lookup to complete unless required by
acl processing..
try adding the following before the our_networks rule
acl req_ident ident REQUIRED
http_access deny req_ident !all
OK. I tried it out: Nothing happend. Everything works (I can access web
sites) but no user name logging ...
Bernd Schuhmacher Tel.: +49 06848/72144
Donaustraße 4 Fax: +49 06848/72145
66424 Homburg Mobil: +49 171/8314351
Email: bernd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Homepage: http://schuhmacher-net.de/~bernd
ICQ#: 54401288
MSN: bernd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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