Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
sön 2007-01-07 klockan 15:58 +0200 skrev Forse:
o Setup squid 1 (one that is running on same machine as web server) so
it uses squid2 (one on VPS) as sibling and forwards all media requests
to it.
o Squid2 in turn will fetch media content when asked from squid1 and
then serve it from own cache
o Squid1 monitors squid2 and if it goes down will serve media requests
itself until squid2 comes back online.
This is a parent relation with the default option, and with the origin
server as secondary parent without the default option.
But won't this still push all the traffic through Squid 1*? Shouldn't
the origin server be performing service monitoring on Squid 2 and
sending 302's (redirecting requests directly to Squid 2) when it's up
and serving traffic natively when it's not?
As always, correct me when I'm wrong. It happens much more frequently
then I would like.
* I'm assuming here that you are suggesting these settings on Squid 1.
Always sending media requests to Squid 2 and specifying Squid 1 as the
default parent etc. would not allow failure of Squid 2.