Quoting Henrik Nordstrom <henrik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>: > tor 2007-01-04 klockan 15:12 +0100 skrev apmailist@xxxxxxx: > > Hmm.. worked quite fine for me when I last tested at a customer site, > but you had to go quite deep into the media player preferences to make > it use the proxy for the various streamed content.. > example of a site casting a video that WMP cannot read : http://www.vogue.co.uk/Video/player/ Do other people experience the same problem ? > > > There are 2 different requests made by the player, and one of the 2 forgets > to > > send a "Proxy-Authorization", and sends a "Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive" > > instead. > > Proxy-Connection isn't relevant. It should combine both.. > > > And then the 2nd request is denied. > > As it should.. > > > You notice Basic, written with an uppercase B . ( I reckon squid2.4 to be > > case-sensitive, and squid2.5 not case-sensitive) > > I don't remember Squid-2.4 to be case sensitive about the scheme names, > but I may be wrong (many many years ago..). The only case-sensitivity > change I remember is that since Squid-2.5.something we default to handle > basic auth user names in a case insensitive manner.. > Back in 2003, case sensitivity on the authentication scheme names : http://www.squid-cache.org/mail-archive/squid-users/200303/0347.html But I don't think it's the matter here. > What happens if you open the video directly from the Akamai CDN > location? > Windows media player opens a popup for user and password, 2 times. There is a strange "Domain" line on the popup window. The field is not the same on each occurrence : 1/ "squid's realm" 2/ "proxy server's hostname" And then WMP stays in a "Connecting to media " state. Squid debugs logs show : ____________ BEFORE POPUP #1 ____________ 2007/01/04 17:12:12| parseHttpRequest: req_hdr = {Accept: */* User-Agent: NSPlayer/11.0.5721.5145 Host: a1111.v173327.c17332.g.vm.akamaistream.net X-Accept-Authentication: Negotiate, NTLM, Digest, Basic Pragma: version11-enabled=1 Pragma: no-cache,rate=1.000,stream-time=0,stream-offset=0:0,packet-num=4294967295,max-duration=0 Pragma: packet-pair-experiment=1 Pragma: pipeline-experiment=1 Supported: com.microsoft.wm.srvppair, com.microsoft.wm.sswitch, com.microsoft.wm.predstrm, com.microsoft.wm.startupprofile Pragma: xClientGUID={3300AD50-2C39-46c0-AE0A-4B039CC661E0} Accept-Language: fr-FR, *;q=0.1 } 2007/01/04 17:12:12| parseHttpRequest: end = {} 2007/01/04 17:12:12| parseHttpRequest: prefix_sz = 727, req_line_sz = 159 2007/01/04 17:12:12| clientSetKeepaliveFlag: http_ver = 1.1 2007/01/04 17:12:12| clientSetKeepaliveFlag: method = GET 2007/01/04 17:12:12| The request GET http://a1111.v173327.c17332.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/1111/17332/A4893482/condenetuk.download.akamai.com/17332/Vogue/Shows/AW2006/mcqueen-high.wmv is DENIED, because it matched 'AUTENT' 2007/01/04 17:12:12| clientBuildReplyHeader: Error, don't keep-alive 2007/01/04 17:12:12| clientSendMoreHeaderData: Appending 1838 bytes after 324 bytes of headers 2007/01/04 17:12:12| The reply for GET http://a1111.v173327.c17332.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/1111/17332/A4893482/condenetuk.download.akamai.com/17332/Vogue/Shows/AW2006/mcqueen-high.wmv is ALLOWED, because it matched 'all' 2007/01/04 17:12:12| connStateFree: FD 24 2007/01/04 17:12:12| httpRequestFree: http://a1111.v173327.c17332.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/1111/17332/A4893482/condenetuk.download.akamai.com/17332/Vogue/Shows/AW2006/mcqueen-high.wmv DENIED as expected because of lack of authentication ______________ AFTER POPUP #1 ______________ 2007/01/04 17:12:36| parseHttpRequest: req_hdr = {Accept: */* User-Agent: NSPlayer/11.0.5721.5145 Host: a1111.v173327.c17332.g.vm.akamaistream.net X-Accept-Authentication: Negotiate, NTLM, Digest, Basic Pragma: no-cache,rate=1.000,stream-time=0,stream-offset=0:0,packet-num=4294967295,max-duration=0 Pragma: packet-pair-experiment=1 Pragma: pipeline-experiment=1 Supported: com.microsoft.wm.srvppair, com.microsoft.wm.sswitch, com.microsoft.wm.predstrm, com.microsoft.wm.startupprofile Pragma: xClientGUID={3300AD50-2C39-46c0-AE0A-4B039CC661E0} Proxy-Authorization: basic XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Connection: Keep-Alive Accept-Language: fr-FR, *;q=0.1 } 2007/01/04 17:12:36| parseHttpRequest: end = {} 2007/01/04 17:12:36| parseHttpRequest: prefix_sz = 771, req_line_sz = 159 2007/01/04 17:12:36| clientSetKeepaliveFlag: http_ver = 1.0 2007/01/04 17:12:36| clientSetKeepaliveFlag: method = GET 2007/01/04 17:12:36| The request GET http://a1111.v173327.c17332.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/1111/17332/A4893482/condenetuk.download.akamai.com/17332/Vogue/Shows/AW2006/mcqueen-high.wmv is ALLOWED, because it matched 'groupe_internet' 2007/01/04 17:12:36| clientProcessRequest2: storeGet() MISS 2007/01/04 17:12:36| clientSendMoreHeaderData: Appending 8 bytes after 641 bytes of headers 2007/01/04 17:12:36| The reply for GET http://a1111.v173327.c17332.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/1111/17332/A4893482/condenetuk.download.akamai.com/17332/Vogue/Shows/AW2006/mcqueen-high.wmv is ALLOWED, because it matched 'all' 2007/01/04 17:12:36| connStateFree: FD 24 2007/01/04 17:12:36| httpRequestFree: http://a1111.v173327.c17332.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/1111/17332/A4893482/condenetuk.download.akamai.com/17332/Vogue/Shows/AW2006/mcqueen-high.wmv 2007/01/04 17:12:36| parseHttpRequest: req_hdr = {Accept: */* User-Agent: NSPlayer/11.0.5721.5145 WMFSDK/11.0 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Host: a1111.v173327.c17332.g.vm.akamaistream.net Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive } 2007/01/04 17:12:36| parseHttpRequest: end = {} 2007/01/04 17:12:36| parseHttpRequest: prefix_sz = 335, req_line_sz = 159 2007/01/04 17:12:36| clientSetKeepaliveFlag: http_ver = 1.1 2007/01/04 17:12:36| clientSetKeepaliveFlag: method = GET 2007/01/04 17:12:36| The request GET http://a1111.v173327.c17332.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/1111/17332/A4893482/condenetuk.download.akamai.com/17332/Vogue/Shows/AW2006/mcqueen-high.wmv is DENIED, because it matched 'AUTENT' 2007/01/04 17:12:36| clientBuildReplyHeader: Error, don't keep-alive 2007/01/04 17:12:36| clientSendMoreHeaderData: Appending 1838 bytes after 324 bytes of headers 2007/01/04 17:12:36| The reply for GET http://a1111.v173327.c17332.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/1111/17332/A4893482/condenetuk.download.akamai.com/17332/Vogue/Shows/AW2006/mcqueen-high.wmv is ALLOWED, because it matched 'all' 2007/01/04 17:12:36| connStateFree: FD 24 2007/01/04 17:12:36| httpRequestFree: http://a1111.v173327.c17332.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/1111/17332/A4893482/condenetuk.download.akamai.com/17332/Vogue/Shows/AW2006/mcqueen-high.wmv 1rst request ALLOWED as expected because of correct authentication 2nd request DENIED as expected because of lack of authentication : there should be a Proxy-Authorization along with the Keep-Alive. Correct ? (see the clientBuildReplyHeader: Error, don't keep-alive) ______________ AFTER POPUP #2 ______________ Series of requests some ALLOWED , others DENIED, http://xxx.wmv ALLOWED http://xxx.wmv ALLOWED http://xxx.wmv?MSWMExt=.asf DENIED The pattern is quite difficult to determine. I put it in an attachment , if someone has the courage to look into it. There are several different types of requests. In short , what is the bug ? - Bad type of authentication : Is WMP doing NTLM, Digest, Basic ? How do I know ? With the popups ? - WMP forgets to authenticate on certain requests -those with MSWMExt=.asf dor example. I checked the password : it is correct. Thank You, Andrew