hi, help needed. i am configuring my gentoo box as a reverse proxy - and running into many different errors. i've done this before - but without ssl, and its fairly simple. from the client (browser) i get this: ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved The system returned: (71) protocol error The remote host or network may be down. from the squid (squid -d 9 -N) box i get this: TCP connection to xxxx/failed fwNegotiateSSL: Error negotiating SSL connection on FD 13:.... certificate verify failed (1/-1/0) my squid.conf, http_port 80 https_port 443 cert=mycert.pem accel defaultsite=targetwebserver ssl_unclean_shutdown on sslproxy_capath /etc/ssl/certs sslproxy_flags DONT_VERIFY_PEER DONT_VERIFY_DOMAIN cache_peer targetwebserver parent 443 0 proxy-only no-query default originserver ssl front-end-https=auto any help please. thanks.